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2. Demonstrate that challenges have been undertaken, developing new skills in the process.
3. Demonstrate how to initiate and plan a CAS experience.
4. Show commitment to and perseverance in CAS experiences.
5. Demonstrate the skills and recognize the benefits of working collaboratively.


During the investigation phase of the collaborative class project of organising the 2019 prom, we had to go to class meetings and share ideas and build upon each other's ideas to creating the prom. Our representatives also caught up with the senior class to come up with names, themes, etc.


During the preparation phase of this collaborative class CAS project, we divided each other into different groups responsible for different aspects and areas of prom.


I was put into the group responsible for the creative side of prom. The group was called "Prom Decoration Team." (corny but works) Here, lead by Ern and Nick, we created the backdrop for the place where people took photos and also additional props to go with prom.


Reflecting upon the project itself, it was kind of disorientated towards the start but in the end, everything worked out and I am proud of my classmates and how each team became one at the end and created a successful prom. I also learnt a new technique when it comes to painting as my classmate taught me how to use glue with glitter to paint with it. It turned out pretty nice at prom.



During this CAS Project of Carpe Noctem, our 2019 prom, I learned many important things from it to take on in life. I learned how important teamwork and collaboration with others is when creating something as large scale and a significant event like prom. We had to trust in one another and believe that each respective groups would achieve what they had set forth to do. I have also gained some skills in terms of art as mentioned previously. I learnt a technique which I hadn't known before which highlights how much knowledge you can gain from working with others. Lastly, when it comes to decision-making with many people, it is also important to highlight that there might be many disagreements with how things should be done but, in the end, how we come up with solutions to those rifts and differentiating ideas to create a plan which everyone is satisfied with is the most important part of a group project.

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